Dynamical Systems I     Math 507     Fall 2024

   Class meets:   Tuesday, Thursday  10:35 - 11:50 a.m.  in 113 McAllister

   Office hours:  

Victoria Sadovskaya
426 McAllister
(814) 863-4140
Tuesdays 1:20 - 2:40 p.m.,  and by appointment

    Course description:  In this course we will introduce the fundamental concepts
    and tools of dynamics, focusing on topological properties of dynamical systems.
    The topics will include periodic points, equidistribution, topological transitivity
    and mixing, minimality, recurrence, equivalence of dynamical systems, topological
    entropy, and structural stability. We will discuss a variety of examples including
    circle maps, translations and flows on tori, symbolic dynamical systems, and
    hyperbolic toral automorphisms.
    Prerequisite:  Math 501.

    Text (optional):  Introduction to the Modern Theory of Dynamical Systems
    by A. Katok and B. Hasselblatt

    Syllabus    pdf


    2024-25 Academic Calendar